Trademark Registration
Registration Process
- If a Trademark Authority rejects my application, are my fees refunded?
- How long does the registration process take?
- What is a use-based application?
- How can I protect my Trademark during the Application Process?
- What are the steps for registering a trademark?
- Can I change attorneys for my trademark? How do I change representation?
Reasons for Registering
Oppositions & Objections
International Registration
- Are there other governing trademark organizations?
- How does the European Union Trade Mark (EUTM) differ from local trademarks?
- What about the Madrid Protocol/WIPO?
- EUIPO: How does a European Union Trademark (EUTM) differ from a local trademark?
- What is the Madrid Protocol and the Madrid Agreement?
- OAPI: What is it and which countries are included?
- See all 7 articles
Madrid System
- What is the Madrid System?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Madrid System?
- What is the difference between filing your application in multiple countries and filing through the Madrid system?
- What is a “base country”?
- What is a “designated country”?
- What are the requirements to be able to extend the filing/registration of a trademark through the Madrid System?
- See all 9 articles