The trademark registration process in Canada involves several steps, all of which are included in our "Trademark Application Filing" service:
- Trademark Application: We will handle the filing of your trademark application. To do so, you will need to provide us basic information about the trademark.
- Office examination: After filing the application, a Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) examiner will review it for compliance with their own regulations. If the examiner identifies any issues, they will issue an Examiner's Report outlining the objections. We will inform you about this and advice on possible course of actions.
- Approval and advertisement: Once the examiner is satisfied with your application, it will be approved for advertisement. Your trademark application will then be published in the Trademarks Journal, which is issued every week.
- Opposition period: After publication, there is a two-month opposition period during which any third party may file an opposition to your trademark application. If an opposition is filed, you will need to respond and resolve the dispute before proceeding with the registration. We will inform you about this and advice on possible course of actions.
- Allowance and registration: If no opposition is filed or if the opposition is resolved in your favor, the trademark will be allowed. Once CIPO issue the Certificate of Registration, we will make sure that it is forwarded to your address.
Your trademark registration will be valid for ten years from the registration date. You will need to renew your registration every ten years to maintain the trademark's protection. We will let you know when this is possible.
Keep in mind that having at you side can help you navigate the registration process and improve the chances of successful registration.