North America
- What is the process of trademark registration in the United States?
- What information do I need to provide when filing a trademark application in the United States?
- What is the cost of filing a trademark application in the United States?
- What is the typical time frame for obtaining trademark registration approval?
- Is it possible for a non-U.S. citizen or non-resident to submit an application for trademark registration in the United States?
- Do I need to have a US address to file a trademark in the United States?
- See all 62 articles
- What is the process of trademark registration in Canada?
- What information do I need to provide when filing a trademark application in Canada?
- What is the cost of filing a trademark application in Canada?
- How long does it take the process of trademark registration in Canada?
- Can I apply for a trademark registration in Canada if I am not a Canadian citizen or resident?
- Do I need to have a Canadian address to file a trademark in Canada?
- See all 51 articles
- Is there a time frame for the trademark registration approval?
- If I register my trademark in Mexico, do I have protection in other territories?
- Do I need to sign a Power of Attorney?
- Are there any benefits from a pre-filing use of the trademark?
- Will there be problems in case I don’t use my trademark after registration?
- What are the types of trademark that can be registered in Mexico?
- See all 28 articles
- Is there a time frame for the trademark registration approval?
- If I register my trademark in Barbados, do I have protection in other territories?
- Do I need to sign a Power of Attorney?
- Are there any benefits from a pre-filing use of the trademark?
- Will there be problems in case I don’t use my trademark after registration?
- What are the types of trademark that can be registered in Barbados?
- See all 29 articles