- generic terms
- marks that contradict moral standards or public order
- non-distinctive trademarks
- names, flags or symbols of states, nations, regions, or of international organizations
- marks that function principally as surnames
- marks that function principally as geographic location names
- the following words or phrases:
- 'To counterfeit this is a forgery'
- 'Registered Trade Mark'
- 'Registered Service Mark'
- any words to the like effect in any language
- the words 'Bunga Raya' and the representation of the hibiscus or any colourable imitation thereof
- representations of or words referring to the:
- Sri Paduka Baginda Yang Di-Pertuan Agong
- Ruler of a State
- any colourable imitation thereof
- the representation of any of:
- the royal palaces
- any building owned by the federal government or state government or any other government
- any colourable imitation thereof
- the following words or signs:
- the ASEAN logotype
- any colourable imitation thereof
- the following words or signs:
- 'Red Crescent'
- 'Geneva Cross'
- representations of the Red Crescent, the Geneva Cross and other crosses in red
- representations of the Swiss Federal Cross in white or silver on a red ground
- any representations in a similar colour or colours
What type of trademark is not registrable?

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