The following can be grounds for opposition:
- proprietary rights
- the mark is descriptive
- the mark is not distinctive
- the mark is misleading, deceptive or disparaging
- the mark is functional
- notorious or well-known mark
- protection of armorial bearings, flags and other State emblems
- representation of the proprietor of the mark
- trade names
- rights in a personal name
- the mark is generic
- the mark consists of a geographical indication
- the mark is against public policy or principles of morality
- the mark consists of official signs and imprints of any without approval from competent authority
- the mark consists of a symbol identical or similar to the Red Crescent or Red Cross
- the mark consists of the picture or logos of a third party without written approval from such party
- the mark contains information related to degrees of honor if the registrant cannot prove his legal eligibility therefore
- the mark is identical with or similar to symbols of a religious character
- the mark belongs to the natural or legal persons or States
- marks that the Boycott of Israel Office has decided are similar to an Israeli mark, symbol or emblem